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<div style="text-align: center">
<h1>The Hypertext Years</h1>
Stuart Moulthrop<br />
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee<br />
ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia<br />
July 14, 2020
{embed passage: 'arrayMaker'}sound.ambient.HTY_01.url: 'HTY_01.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_01.description: 'talk segment 01'
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<h1>1998 - A Hypertext Year</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Sometimes a strange notion','Hypertext years?','Why would you think that?','Before Times','Perversity!','Eso-exo','Whose nodes were books','Infrastructure','Esoterica','Who\'s afraid of feral hypertext?','Not Jill Walker!','More than just tools','Emergent, insurgent','See A. Brock on Black Twitter']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->02]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_01.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_01'}
sentArray: []
phraseArray: []
sentArray = new Array()
phraseArray = new Array()
pCount = 0
sCount = 0
phrases = new Array('No simple way to say this','Literary machines','Hypertext years','Golden age of personal computing','Heyday of cellular communication','Before Times','The virtue of perversity','Exoteric/esoteric','Whose nodes were books','Expression and experiment','Feral hypertext','After decentralization','Protocol','Collaboration and emergence','Jill Walker','André Brock','CTDA','Black Twitter','Technoculture','Foresight','Replicators','Orange Twitter','Operationalizing the computational object as discourse','Technology as text','G.P. Landow','Rhetoric of hypertext','Mark Bernstein','Pattern language','Ian Bogost','Procedural rhetoric','Mary Flanagan','Espen Aarseth','Ergodics','Linking is not thinking','Let us play','Larger prizes','Game Studies','A billion dollar industry','American cynicism','Homo ludens ludens','Brown v. Entertainment Marketing Association','Antonin Scalia, civil libertarian','Social messages','Literary devices','Literary machines','Thomas Malaby','Semibounded domains','Contrived contigency','Interpretable outcomes','Beyond Play','J.P. Gee','Steven Johnson','Everything Bad is Good for You','Thomas Elsaesser','Mind-Game Films','Jason Mittell','Complex Television','Burden and Gouglas','Algorithmic experience','Black Mirror Bandersnatch','Charlie Brooker','Branch Manager','Yellowlees Douglas','Jordan Mechner','The Last Express','Dystopian technophobia','Natasha Lyonne','Russian Doll','Level 36','Death Loops','Auto-ergodic TV fixation','Closed game-like arc','Remembering, repeating, and working through','Claude Lévi-Strauss','Game and ritual','Equilibrium','The binge tribes of Netflix','Death Drive','GamerGate','Culture wars','Gone Home','Gun Home','Noah Wardrip-Fruin','How Pac-Man Eats','Beyond play, trouble','Persons from Porlock','Bonnie Ruberg','Video Games Have Always Been Queer','Alternative pleasures','Anna Anthropy','Queers in Love at the End of the World','Everything is Wiped Away','Claudia Lo','Hegirascope','Broken apocalypse','Your fingers twine','Enough to know they lost','What a powerful form of expression','Chris Klimas','Twine','Open source','Cheap guitar','Video Games for Humans','merritt k','Trans women lead the scene','Depression Quest','Zoe Quinn','Second order resource','Mechanics of intimacy','Twining','Twine is a making','Exploratory programming','Chapbook','Dialectics','Chaos','Into the Spider-Verse','Stanley Kubrick','Stan Lee','Aunt May','Brooklyn is a dimension','Anyone can wear the mask','Hero in a thousand dimensions','Imaginable futures')
function r(range){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*range)
function g(what){
gArray = what.split(',')
return gArray[r(gArray.length)]
for(var q=0; q<2000; q++){
function sentencer(){
pick = r(35)
if(pick == 0){
s = g('If,Because,Considering') + ' reality ' + g('is,is not') + ' a '
s += g('simulation,video game,construct,fiction')
s += ' then you ' + g('are,are not') + ' reading this in a '
s += g('simulation,video game,construct,fiction') + "."
if(pick == 1){
s = 'The last webpage has ' + g('no links,already been written,no meaning,always been written,ads,Buddha nature,all the eyeballs,fur') + '.'
if(pick == 2){
eso = ['Symbols','Metaphors','Quantum','Brane','Being','Idea']
exo = ['cymbals','petit fours','count 'em','brain','beans','ID']
thePair = r(eso.length)
s = eso[thePair] + ' esoteric, ' + exo[thePair] + ' exoteric.'
if(pick == 3){
s = 'If ' + g('hypertext,technoculture,play,Twine,television,Netflix,complexity,mind,culture') + ' is the answer, what '
s += g('was the question,were we thinking,does it matter,do we care,is the problem') + '?'
if(pick == 4){
s = 'You can tell you're in the '
s+= g('wrong,right,upper,lower') + ' universe because '
s += g('cats,butterflies,fountain pens,tap shoes,donuts,Branch Managers,elevators,typewriters')
s += ' don't '
s += g('make,understand,relate to,have,remember') + ' '
s += g('poetry,beer,coffee,jokes,butter,passion,desire,yogurt,zergh,blart,silence') + '.'
if(pick == 5){
s = g('Contingency,Emergence,Technicity,The medium')
s += ' is the '
s += g('limit,inflection,articulation,index,disruption,fulcrum')
s += ' of ' + g('uncertainty,doubt,possibility,unbeing,vision,signs')
s += '.'
if(pick == 6){
s = g('Language,Play,Speech,Time,Television,Culture') + ' has always been ' + g('trouble,variable,intransigent,speech,radio,the network') + "."
if(pick == 7){
s = g('Ritual,Writing,Existence,Discourse,Identity') + ' is a favored instance of ' + g('game,photography,geometry,obscurity,opacity,insult') + '.'
if(pick == 8){
s = g('Mme. Derrida,Paul Rand,Rand Paul,Rand Paul Rand,Paul Rand Paul,J.P.R. Paul,The influence of Elvis,Andy Van Dam,Laurie Anderson,Donna Haraway,Patti Smith,The Tenth Doctor,George P. Landow')
s += ' ' + g('has been,has now been,may be,could be') + ' '
s += g('mentioned,considered,implicated,addressed,included') + ' in '
s += g('this,this part of the,the next part of the') + ' talk.'
if(pick == 9){
s = g('Twine,Play,The hyperlink,Technoculture')
s += ' is ' + g('a verb,a making,a movement,rude music,trash spinning,love') + "."
s = 'The ' + g('Web,Internet,technosphere,metaverse')
s += ' ' + g('is,may be,appears to be,is not') + ' '
s += g('inhabited,sponsored,controlled,supported,understood,influenced,motivated')
s += ' by '
s += g('algorithms,cryptozoa,crisis,dark energy,patterns,paradox,inverse waves,code eaters') + '.'
if(pick == 11){
s = g('My,Your,This,Their,The unseen,The great,The happy,The flying') + ' algorithm '
s += g('is weirder than your algorithm,said to tell you this,is flexibly focused,is undergoing unscheduled maintenance,needs coffee,is highly potentiated,knows all about this,appears to have escaped,does not find this interesting,is not afraid,is learning to laugh') + '.'
if(pick == 12){
theYear = 1984 + r(16)
s = g('In,On a windy day in,At some point in,About,Sometime before,At the far end of,In some version of') + ' '
s += theYear + ' ' + g('Ted Nelson,Sir Tim Berners-Lee,Douglas Engelbart,N. Katherine Hayles,Yellowlees Douglas,Yergosh Peedy,Anna Zupperfling,H.P. Storting,N. Vesto,Dr. Clive Gusto') + ' '
s += g('imagined,invented,described,wrote the specification for,predicted') + ' '
s += g('the levitating mouse,Zoom fatigue,link rot,the semantic Twitterverse,syndicated eyeballs,wikidogs,cyberkneeling,distributed alacrity,Lovecraft futures,suspended aviation') + '.'
if(pick == 13){
theNum = Math.round(Math.random()*1000000)
s = g('More than,Fewer than,About,An estimated,Only,As many as') + ' ' + theNum
s += ' ' + g('webpages,tweets,e-books,pop up ads') + ' '
s += g('are devoted to,mention,relate to,discuss,advertise') + ' '
s += g('microbezoars,topical fish,anti-dairy creamers,apolitical dancing,difficult humor,3D flavorings,macroparticles,positrinos,levity waves,ferrets,nomad statuary,bowling incidents,frigate metaphysics,liturgies of smoke') + '.'
if(pick == 14){
s = g('Henry Kissinger,Barbra Streisand,Britt Eklund,Yevgeny Yevtushenko,Dizzy Gillespie,Xavier Cugat') + ', ' + g('Tony Bennett,Golda Meir,Norman Mailer,Stanley Kubrick, Norman O. Douglas,Masters and Johnson,Muhammad Ali,Johnny Carson,Mahalia Jackson,U Thant,G.A. Nasser,Terry Gilliam,Anthony Burgess') + ', and ' + g('Cher,Charro,Tiny Tim,Lassie,Mother Teresa,the future manager of Abba,Princess Margaret') + ' '
s += ' ' + g('attended,missed,were invited to,were not invited to,sneaked into,appeared in,had nothing to do with,inspired,were almost invited to,were almost not invited to')
s += ' Engelbart's Great Demo of 1968.'
if(pick == 15){
s = g('Hypertext,Bidirectional linking,The directed graph,Distributed hypermedia')
s += ' was '
if(r(3) == 1) s += g('actually,in fact,originally,probably,almost certainly') + ' '
s += g('invented,perfected,introduced,proposed') + ' by '
s += g('certain Polynesians,coal miners' daughters,a priestess of Kali,pirates of the Calabash,Belgians,Welsh investors,a fugitive doula, Albigensian farmers,Rosicrucians,Irish clerk-typists') + " in "
if(r(2) == 0){
s += 1200+r(500) + '.'
theNum = 10+r(5)
s+= 'the ' + theNum + 'th century.'
if(pick == 16){
s = g('Recently,Lately,Now,Reportedly,These days,Once again') + ' '
s += g('young crows,amphibians,smart refrigerators,artificial constructs,foxbots,holograms,simulated organizations,flash mobs')
s += ' have been ' + ' ' + g('taught,allowed,seen,forbidden')
s += ' to use '
s += g('the World Wide Web,Twitter,Blender,Tik Tok,pattern language,first class objects,globular programming,cryocurrencies') + '.'
if(pick == 17){
s = 'On the internet ' + g('no one,everyone,the algorithm,all your base,all the other data') + ' knows you're a '
s += g('fiction,demagnetizer,somnambulist,fishbroker,trombonist,quantity,quantum event,solipsist,mark,disruptor') + '.'
if(pick == 18){
s = 'Linking ' + g('is,is not,has always been,has never been,implies,wants,needs,requires') + ' '
s += g('thinking,shrinking,drinking,sinking,stinking,blinking,winking,syncing,inking,clinking,pinking,wishful thinking,unthinking') + '.'
if(pick == 19){
s = g('Minds,Readers,Anthropologists,Scholars,Units,Understanders,Mages')
s += " from " + g('the future,the 22nd century,next Thursday,tomorrow,far posterity,much later on') + ' already '
s += g('know about,disbelieve,can't understand,regret,seriously doubt') + ' this, proving '
s += g('the world is what it is,time travel doesn't work,time's a funny old thing,something no doubt') + '.'
if(pick == 20){
recur = ' know you have too much recursion when you '
s = 'You'
for(var i=0; i<1+r(2); i++){
s += recur
s += ' have you know too much.'
if(pick == 21){
if(r(2) == 0){
s = g('Your,Our,Their,My,The Inevitable') + ' Ad Here.'
s = g('You Could Be Reading An Ad Here.,Why This Or Any Ad?,Your Eyeballs Here.')
if(pick == 22){
s = 'When I hear the word '
s += g('multimedia,technoculture,disrupter,multiverse,emergence,convergence,cognition') + ' I reach for my '
s += g('loofah,gum,thesaurus,keys,sandals,drink,interociter,d20,portal gun') + '.'
if(pick == 23){
s = g('Now,Soon,Recently,Imminently,About to be') + ' '
s += g('available,streaming,accessible,banned') + ' on '
s += g('all discerning devices,many signficant platforms,engineered life forms,LaserDisc™,millimeter wave,dead media,other wavelengths,nearby stations,platforms throughout L-5,non-hip services')
s += '.'
if(pick == 24){
s = 'The ' + g('task,work,project,job,assignment') + ' of '
s += g('immanentizing the eschaton,crossing the streams,explaining time to mortals,describing the logic of being,advertising the multiverse,following all the links')
s += ' has ' + g('never,always,seldom,sometimes') + ' been '
s += g('easy,simple,rewarding,profitable,cost-effective,desirable') + '.'
if(r(3) == 0) s+= ' ' + g('Until now.,Between the sheets.,Or has it?')
if(pick == 25){
s = 'The work described here has '
s += g('not been peer reviewed,yet to be decoded,defied categorization,eluded all attempts at rational analysis,been arrested,been dismissed for cause,clear tendencies,dark potential,no witnesses,a name,no name,big boots,a light footprint') + '.'
if(pick == 26){
s = 'As ' + g('Marvin Hamlisch,Charlamagne da God,V.J. Singh,Mohandas K. Ghandi,Mr. Acker Bilk,Amelia Earhart,Ida B. Wells,Terry Nation,Mme. Cousteau,Mary Shelley')
s += ' ' + g('said,wrote,implied,hinted,confessed,revealed,admitted,asserted,claimed,let on') + ' to the '
s += g('electrician,tax man,person from Porlock,missionary prince,King of Kats,King of All Cosmos,<em>Daily Mail</em>,working press,toaster critic,man in the Mac,woman from the future,jazz chefs,Committee of the Hole') + '.'
if(pick == 27){
s = g('Enough; or too much,Which just about sums it up,As if more needed saying,Which is not bad start,And more in this line,And so they persisted,And who could say otherwise,All this notwithstanding,And further in this vein,As who could say it wasn't,Plus a whole lot more,Or words to that effect,Just so,Anyway,Q.E.D') + '.'
if(pick == 28){
s = g('Operationalizing,Conceptualizing,Theorizing,Gamifying,Deconstructing')
s += ' ' + g('technicity,culture,breakfast,lunch,experience,the quotidian,the lifeworld,the <em>Ding an Sich</em>,yer biz,all that jazz') + ' as '
s += g('discursive fabricity,transparent retcon,latent superstructure,organic ideology,weirdness,oppositional sublime,neo-bourgeois aesthetic,dietary fiber')
if(r(3) == 1){
theNum = 1947 + Math.floor(Math.random()*63)
s += " since " + theNum + '.'
s += '.'
if(pick == 29){
s = 'The ' + g('shadowy,numinous,tenebrous,liminal,refulgent,viscous') + ' '
s += g('contours,parameters,metrics,qualia,manifolds,organs') + ' of '
s += g('technoscience,emerging markets,the world system,the real,the unexamined,the all-too-known,the hyperlink') + ' '
s += g('are,will be,have been,shall be,may have been,were never') + ' '
s += g('expanded,modulated,buffed,ironized,divagated,overtaken,embodied') + ' by '
s += g('such as we,shady operators,cryptobillionaires,vectorial prodigies,the vapours,the autochthone,mimetic interests') + '.'
if(pick == 30){
s = 'In '
s += g('this,yet another,last night's,the current,your,my') + ' dream '
s += g('the Pope,Bruno Latour,Lady Gaga,Andrew Dice Clay,the Artist Formerly Known as Oscar the Grouch,Angela Merkel,the original drummer from The Pogues') + ' ' + g('was,is,is sitting,is installed') + ' in a'
s += g('n ice hotel, Manhattan pizzeria,n underground Walmart, protacted lawsuit, Tilt-a-Whirl') + ' with '
s += g('Fredric Jameson,the Backstreet Boys,Merle Haggard,a rafter of turkeys,a murder of crows') + '.'
if(pick == 31){
s = g('Now,These days,At last') + ' we ' + g('know,understand,see') + ' that '
s+= g('the Web,the technosphere,matter,the universe,carbon,hydrogen') + ' '
s += g('dreams,snores,multiplies,reflects,chromatizes,infolds,keeps receipts,everts') + '.'
if(pick == 32){
s = 'As ' + g('model,metaphor,index,schema') + ' '
s += g('consider,refer to,we adopt') + ' '
s += g('a 1965 Toyota Kaiju,the boots of Dr. Marten,the bird beyond the window,the squirrels of the common,the breath of this cheese,the B-side of <em>Old Brown Shoe</em>,Max the cat,some old paper from the Atlantic shelf') + '.'
if(pick == 33){
//The X of Y, the Q of R, the C of D
s = 'The ' + g('expansion,whistling,signature,churning') + ' of the ' + g('universe,winds,chronicle,mainframe') + ', '
s += 'the ' + g('radiance,bonfire,fourth,triumph') + ' of ' + g('coincidence,vocabulary,July,distilling') + ', '
s += 'the ' + g('absence,scene,life,winter') + ' of ' + g('stars,crimes,cats,mercy') + '.'
if(pick == 34){
s = g('Could be,It's,Though,Somewhat,Possibly') + ' '
s += 'more ' + g('impressive,stable,reliable,persuasive')
s += ' in the original '
s += g('semaphore,Assembler,mumbles,Esperanto,Atlantean,Scouse,Etruscan') + '.'
return s
[cont]nextwords: ['then','so','and then','next','further','and so','and','more','also','continues','it goes on','to continue','and another thing']
theNextWord: nextwords[Math.floor(Math.random()*nextwords.length)]
{theNextWord}sound.ambient.HTY_02.url: 'HTY_02.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_02.description: 'talk segment 02'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
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if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
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document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
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document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>1987 - Foresight?</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Sometimes a foolish notion','Folly in the record','A great task of our time','Shake those foundations','Foresight?','Who\'s afraid of replicators?','Me','Orange Twitter','Don\'t step in misplaced concreteness','Operationalizing the computational object as discourse','Technology as text','There\'s protocol for that','So much for hypertext?','Appearances considered deceptive']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->03]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_02.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_02'}
sound.ambient.HTY_03.url: 'HTY_03.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_03.description: 'talk segment 03'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
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if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>1999 - Pathwork</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Mediated emergence of meaning','There\'s a rhetoric for that','Patterns of hypertext','Procedural rhetorics','Caution pathwork ahead','Graph, network, traversal','Is linking thinking?','Maybe not...','Embracing contingency','Let us play']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->04]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_03.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_03'}
sound.ambient.HTY_04.url: 'HTY_04.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_04.description: 'talk segment 04'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2001 - Espen's Path</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Aarseth\'s progress','Esoteric choices','Ergodic fiction: more links than kinks','Larger prizes loom','Power of pathwork','Year One','A billion-dollar industry without academics!','American cynicism','Very funny']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->05]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_04.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_04'}
sound.ambient.HTY_05.url: 'HTY_05.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_05.description: 'talk segment 05'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2011 - Play Speech</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Larger history','_H. ludens ludens_','Age of Play?','Legitimation','_Brown v. EMA_','Let the games be speech!','A. Scalia, civil libertarian?','Libertarian maybe','Social messages?','Literary machines?','Malaby\'s definition']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->06]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_05.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_05'}
sound.ambient.HTY_06.url: 'HTY_06.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_06.description: 'talk segment 06'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2007 - Semibounded Domains</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Social legitimacy, check','Outcomes, we can argue','Contigency and contrivance','As in hyperlinks!','Semibounded domains','The game\'s the thing','See Malaby, _Beyond Play_','Games are no exception','Cultural integration','Why not?']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->07]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_06.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_06'}
sound.ambient.HTY_07.url: 'HTY_07.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_07.description: 'talk segment 07'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
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pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2003 - Everything Bad</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Gee: Learning and literacy','Johnson: Everthing bad','Who shall remain nameless','Thinking with portals','Algorithmic experience','Mind Games','The cable and _The Wire_','Complex TV']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->08]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_07.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_07'}
sound.ambient.HTY_08.url: 'HTY_08.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_08.description: 'talk segment 08'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2018 - The Claws that Catch</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Enter the Bandersnatch','Charlie Brooker\'s 1984','A very special special','Playing through the black mirror','Hypermedia lives!','Or Television With More Endings?','Why Bandersnatch makes me frumious','Fearful symmetries','You\'ll have to see the Branch Manager','Paranoia, psychedelics, suicide, murder... hypertext!','Wouldn\'t you prefer a simpler story?']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->09]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_08.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_08'}
sound.ambient.HTY_09.url: 'HTY_09.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_09.description: 'talk segment 09'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2019 - Game-like Arc</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['An interesting coincidence','Meanwhile in Lower Manhattan...','36 can be a tough one','Death Loops, nobody\'s favorite serial','Nadia is a game designer','Antithetical pair','Closed game-like arc','Remembering, repeating, and working through']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->10]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_09.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_09'}
sound.ambient.HTY_10.url: 'HTY_10.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_10.description: 'talk segment 10'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>1960 - Favored Instances</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Exo/eso redux','It\'s not TV','Oh wait, yes it is','Complex but coherent','Enter the _Savage Mind_','Like game, ritual is played','A favored instance of a game','A particular type of equilibrium','The binge tribes of Netflix','Ritualizing contingency','_Equilibrium?_']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->11]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_10.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_10'}
sound.ambient.HTY_11.url: 'HTY_11.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_11.description: 'talk segment 11'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2013 - Wrong Amendment</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices: ['Equilibrium?','Tenuous, threatened, fragile','The way we live now','Wash your hands!','Far from equilibrium','Critical path','Staying alive... and the death drive','Mortal combats','_How Pac-Man Eats_','_Gone Home_ drops the weapon','Shooters gonna shoot','Which Amendment was that?']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->12]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_11.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_11'}
sound.ambient.HTY_12.url: 'HTY_12.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_12.description: 'talk segment 12'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>1998 - I Miss You</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['Beyond the magic circle, trolls','GamerGate as template for culture wars','Slouching towards Pizzagate','Beyond play lies trouble','I miss the 90s!','Ronald Reagan and the Evil Empire','Apple\'s empire of signs','Nelson and the persons from Porlock','Such dreams!','Reality is complicated...']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->13]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_12.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_12'}
sound.ambient.HTY_13.url: 'HTY_13.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_13.description: 'talk segment 13'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2018 - Like They've Always Been</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['Staying with the trouble','Ruberg and the trolls agree','It\'s not a monoculture anymore','_Video Games Have Always Been Queer_','Identity yes, but more','What games have always been']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->14]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_13.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_13'}
sound.ambient.HTY_14.url: 'HTY_14.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_14.description: 'talk segment 14'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2020 - Admonition</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['What games have always been','Categorical and historical','It\'s about play itself','How play makes space for alternative pleasures','Core truth','But danger!','How shareable is queerness?','Solidarity is not identity','Respect is due','With that in mind...']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->15]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_14.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_14'}
sound.ambient.HTY_15.url: 'HTY_15.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_15.description: 'talk segment 15'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2013 - (Not) Wiped Away</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['No simple way to say this','Estranged second cousin','It\'s a story','It\'s a hypertext','It\'s a time-piece','You have 10 seconds','Back then, the hypertext that read itself','A different story this time','The hypertext that refuses reading','Less is more; everything is nothing','Apocalypse broke down','Starting over, or...']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->16]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_15.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_15'}
sound.ambient.HTY_16.url: 'HTY_16.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_16.description: 'talk segment 16'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>11:59:50 - Powerful</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['We can cheat!','See C. Lo on slow cinema','Your fingers twine between hers','And everything is wiped away','A pair of links (but no Branch Manager)','It\'s enough to know they lost','Or did they? - Rewind to _twine_','A powerful form of expression','What could this mean?','A second reading -- or misreading','Mr. Klimas We Love You']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->17]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_16.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_16'}
sound.ambient.HTY_17.url: 'HTY_17.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_17.description: 'talk segment 17'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2009 - Twine</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['A powerful form of expression','Twine, b. 2009','Two versions, many formats','A conspiracy of volunteers','Open source development','What kind of person uses Twine?','Troubadours of the game world','Twine is micro-famous','Twine and _Bandersnatch_']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->18]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_17.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_17'}sound.ambient.HTY_18.url: 'HTY_18.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_18.description: 'talk segment 18'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2011 - For Humans</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['Nevermind the trolls','Generation Twine','_Video Games for Humans_','Trans women among others','Anna Anthropy we love you','Mechanics of intimacy','Alternative pleasures','This looks familiar...']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->Looks familiar]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_18.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_18'}sound.ambient.HTY_19.url: 'HTY_19.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_19.description: 'talk segment 19'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>Level 36 - Is That What I Was Doing?</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['Asking an awkward question','Why a hypertext system?','Is that what Twine is?','Twine\'s not a hypertext system','So what is Twine?','Second order resource','Leveraging Web infrastructure','Wheels for the mind?']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->20]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_19.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_19'}sound.ambient.HTY_20.url: 'HTY_20.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_20.description: 'talk segment 20'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>Q4-2020 - <em>Twining</em></h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['Anastasia has an idea','It\'s hard to say no to your old thesis adviser','_Twining_, later this year','Personal connections','Old school ties','Why we use a gerund','Critical and creative','Exploratory coding','Twine is a making','Chapbook']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->21]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_20.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_20'}sound.ambient.HTY_21.url: 'HTY_21.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_21.description: 'talk segment 21'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>1971 - Six-String</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['On the side of the builders','Larger makings','An esoteric/exoteric interface?','Making room for Humans in gamespace, webspace','Hacking the attention economy?','Surviving the culture wars','Keeping play alive','The genius of cheap guitars','Playing otherwise']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->22]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_21.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_21'}sound.ambient.HTY_22.url: 'HTY_22.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_22.description: 'talk segment 22'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>2018 [1968] - Spider-Verse</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['Dialectic?','Wouldn\'t it be nice?','Triangles in chaos','Weirder geometries','Counterfactuals, time loops, multiverses','_Into the Spider-Verse_','More than mere Marvel','A new Space Odyssey','What dimension are you from?','Brooklyn was always a dimension','It\'s complicated']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->23]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_22.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_22'}sound.ambient.HTY_23.url: 'HTY_23.mp3'
sound.ambient.HTY_23.description: 'talk segment 23'
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
function autoSent(){
sCount ++
if(sCount == sentArray.length) sCount = 0
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
function autoPhrase(){
pCount ++
if(pCount == phraseArray.length) pCount = 0
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount] + "..."
function primer(){
document.getElementById('sent').innerHTML = sentArray[sCount]
document.getElementById('phrase').innerHTML = phraseArray[pCount]
setTimeout(primer, 50)
S_Int = setInterval(autoSent, 5000)
P_Int = setInterval(autoPhrase, 3000)
<h1>Even now...</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
{cycling link, choices:['The hero in a thousand dimensions','Seeing life as webwork','Anyone can wear the mask','The costume always fits - eventually','Kubrick meets GLaDOS','It\'s just the way we live now','Game-like arc?','Equilibrium?','Future? - imagine that']}
<p id='phrase'></p>
<div style='text-align: right'>
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->Fin]]
<div id='sent' style='font-size: 14pt; color: #AAAAAA; padding-left: 50%; text-align: right'></div>
[if sound.ambient.HTY_23.playing !== true]
{ambient sound: 'HTY_23'}
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
{no ambient sound}
<h1>2020 - The End is Never</h1>
<hr style="height:1px;border-width:0;color:gray;background-color:gray">
But the talk is over. Available online at Made with Twine 2.3.8 using the Chapbook story format. As always, thanks to Chris Klimas.
And thanks for listening!
[[References here.->References]]
{restart link, label: 'Restart?'}
if(S_Int) clearInterval(S_Int)
if(P_Int) clearInterval(P_Int)
{no ambient sound}
<div style="text-align: center">
{embed image: 'map.png', alt: 'Structure map of this talk'}
<div style="text-align: right">
[[{embed passage: 'nextwords'}->19]]
Aarseth, Espen. “Computer Game Studies, Year One.” Game Studies, vol. 1, no. 1, July 2001,
---. Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
Anthropy, Anna. Queers in Love at the End of the World. 2013.
Barnet, Belinda. Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext. Anthem Press, 2013.
Bernstein, Mark. “Patterns of Hypertext.” Hypertext 98: Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, May 1998, pp. 21–29.
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