Winter seemed tougher this year than last, like almost every year now, Mrs. K. thought, unless that was just what it felt like getting so old. Holidays were over, the kids come and gone. She still felt marvelously
- Mr. K. had not shown up, as she always dreaded, just phoned himself in. The election was over, which was not so
but most people she knew were feeling their way back to their lives. Except for Mrs. Peat.
'The lies, the lies.
Biggest inauguration ever - never mind the pictures. Everybody voted for me - never mind the numbers.' The kitchen door cracked open and Verne Olina stomped in, beating snow from her shoulders. 'Guess what I just heard from Alderwoman Murphy,' she sang out. 'The pipes are just fine! They ran another check and there's no
anywhere. First survey was done wrong, they say.'
This good news escaped Mrs. Peat, who was still carrying on. 'Liar-in-chief.
Alternative facts.
I guess they think it's their world now.' She looked to Mrs. K. 'What's
that thing
you always say?'